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Septic Percolation Trenches

Septic percolation systems use a series of specifically designed perforated pipes in stone lined trenches to distribute treated eluent to the subsoil before it undergoes further treatment.

The infiltrator chamber system is a direct replacement for old- fashioned stone and pipe leachfields.

Infiltrator chambers promote eluent infiltration into the soil with 100 percent efficiency.

The greater infiltrative capacity of this septic percolation system means that the chambers can require as little as half the space of old fashioned stone and pipe systems.

This gives designers, installers and homeowners greater flexibility in placement of the septic leachfield while minimizing disruption of the landscape.

The quick installation minimizes heavy construction traffic that may damage and compact sensitive soils. Infiltrator can be used in a trench formation or alternatively cluster formation for larger commercial sites.

Infiltrator Chamber Advantages over Stone and Pipe: